Wednesday, October 15, 2008

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K L: Lamarque

LAMARQUE John Maximian
Count empire

July 22, 1770 Born in Saint-Sever
son of Peter Joseph, king's attorney, and Mary Ursula Dufau

1780s Studies College Jacobin which one of his uncles was prior

March 1790 Depart for Paris

April 3, 1793 Volunteer for the 4th Battalion Lieutenant

May 13, 1793 Captain of grenadiers in the army of Western Pyrenees

July 24, 1794 It takes Hondarribia

21 Thermidor Year 2 Battalion Commander

May 3, 1800 Battle of Engen

June 5, 1800 Battle of Mosskirch

June 19, 1800 Battle of Hochstoed

December 3, 1800 Batailled'Hohenlinden

February 1801 Brigadier General on the recommendation of General Moreau

December 2, 1805 Battle of Austerlitz , a brigade commander in the 7th corps of Marshal Augereau

June 1806 Headquarters Gaeta

December 6, 1807 Appointed Chief of Staff of the King of Naples, with the rank of Major General

December 18, 1808 Taken from the island of Capri whose English garrison was com-mended by Hudson Lowe future gaoler of Napoleon at St. Helena in 1809

Taking Leybach

July 6, 1809 Battle of Wagram in 1810

construction of his mansion Lamarque Street

February 8, 1812 He won the battle of Altafouilla

first to Bourbon Restoration Rally

May-June 1815 Pacification of the Vendee

June 27, 1815 he signed the peace of Cholet, and then exiled by Louis XVIII, he went to Belgium and required them to leave for Holland

October 20, 1818 he returned to Holland
Memory in France in 1825 on the construction of a side channel of the Adour

July 8 1827 he joined the Agricultural Society of Landes

December 23, 1828 Elected member of Mont de Marsan

June 30, 1830 Retired

July 23, 1830 Re-elected MP

August 21, 1830 Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor

1st June 1832 Died in Paris of cholera

5 and June 6, 1832 Riots of Saint Merri cloister, which served to Victor Hugo to write Les Miserables (Gavroche episode of the barricades)

1838 Erection on the Place de Verdun of the column Lamarque member

1894 and 1955 Erection of the statue on the esplanade Morlanne


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