G: War (s) calendar (s) European
The French had left the trenches 120 meters lower than the German right is twice the difference between father and Morlanne. The steep slope was full of caves in the limestone of the emissions by 30 km long located between the Aisne south and north Fin
This man was a butcher
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Georges_Nivelle http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bataille_du_Chemin_des_Dames
German cemetery of Fort Malmaison
said the Basque Monument in memory of the 36th Infantry Division which was decimated.
List of regiments and departments
With dates, you can easily guess where the massacred children of Saint Sever
Photos memorial of the abbey
Why children of Saint Sever did they kill made so far from their land while we are all Europeans?
Photos taken by YP F on the Chemin des Dames Friday, October 23, 2009
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