regularly and randomly, I'll put online spoonerisms with the solution red.
For your comments, you can participate in this effort:
-There are people who ha b itent of g Istands infamous in u r e that al. (double contrepeterie)
- co This leads to the Aveyro n
- It forbade children to play on the erge b ra v in.
- The p opulation of C area are laborious
- Since there is no pressure ippons on Ch ine, he arrived at p ied by ine Ch. And yet Ch ine wants p aix .
- There is a p has nne m i cro in ft equivalents of f ond
- There are m has t ins that c. Antentas
- The youngster gl isse in p
Swimmingpool - The old man sells the rim (not easy in red letters)
- My uncle has lost the courage to m ace p atenta
- This b ond is worthy of a c ommanche
- Here the curate, the has b annière of m Andes.
- The antiquarian research br ace c. ease.
- The pedicure is dangerous for me because she wets the horns. (easy)
the 19th century, the politician Laffitte was the subject of numerous contrepéteries. It was easy, it was enough to replace the F with B:
- Since Laffitte plunged into the Bosphorus, Laffitte should be presented the abbess!
- I have trouble getting blair Laffitte
- Hey! where are you going stuffed Laffitte
- Laffitte is against declines
- Laffitte is lowered
- Cut the noodles with secateurs (easy and known)
- Soldiers, br lez faster these û c am ps!
3 - The Art de c aler the s
ons - The daughter of Tr geese offer her 2 j Oues
- U.S. Pouillon
Tennis - A Beautiful m have Vi c MOET
- There's mo ka ka in self Byle
- Every night this little chicken pon of has some p art
- The daughter of the headmaster likes to see unload penicillin c. of pota es ss e
- With our corporal, Cape eral it!
- This c. ute I broke the br have
- The beautiful x - arts are a pleasure to
of the games - Sent by a friend: After C ap P Ouy there since the storm, v geese b erge to Péré
- I'll deliver all the secrets of the famous message of Saxony
- No Te gold f had
- This old baritone b i sse: his wife no longer finds it b ê you
- What cotton field (easy)
- Girls f olles to m esse
- Girls outent of their oi f
- The o ccitans Her e tick came in ann al 're outgoing b us.
- I saw the b V erge of Ende.
- The v it NSAIDs anthropoph ag es
- The n ouch c uisent to j U.S. c ane
- It is too b you for that itter
- Do not go to the m esse without f oi.
- In May 1968, the Police played with f ouch large e c oles.
- The dentist m of fill-ups c arie.
- The Prior is currently gra v er the t No ice.
- Put me finally welcome the stack.
- The dream of being a seminarian in cu r e a s ca eet.
- Doctor if I'm fat, do gra v e at ff i?
- Each evening, this beautiful hen Pl to be some p art.
- He p aisa in the b erçant gently.
- Here's Father, the b annière of m Andes.
- The Marquise b applicable 3 He has ed.
- This bar is packed. (Easy).
- The mutineers have spent the bank of the ravine (double, we let you try).
- It happens to p ied by ine the Ch.
- The girl is ch oice in d ate.
- My daughter, I pl aisir you of oter.
- cutlet salad. (Easy)
- This pr esse specialist f oot.
- Only the first entry ch ar a trademark of ate.
- Girls Troyes offer their cheeks. (Easy).
- Rodin's wife found her drunk st 're too fashion rn es.
- Go, connect c. st co the ood.
- Young man, do not your ch st the Ebon t e.
- Should see, went er bi t ch e!
- China has always been drawn to the Japanese (easy).
- The Japanese pressure on China (easy)
-Misson Pouillon for men and women.
- The wife of the station master me lai e ss the aix hp.
- She had a string of these tr ouch around c or.
- is its very large AITS we recognize the Bel g ic.
- What! the driver is still gr i s o after buf NNE.
- My poor b ê you are at the age of arthr i you.
- This model has m tasks year i your insolvency.
- Tonight, we give the eagle o c n at a mp.
- We could go without leaving us cornered (easy).
- Le Pont Neuf is 60 feet .
- In Zam Zambesi, the girls are beautiful and gen daughters.
- I love going chement your French gin.
- The shepherds of Rennes concerned with your you number of bi s.
- The dentist made a den pom third runway.
- Joseph Henry stained. (Easy).
- In times of regional election, the candidate is familiar b u ts el ites.
- I propose a scallop with a beautiful salad of the country. (Easy)
- This beautiful girl lives in Laval. (Easy).
- The early Christians showed their cal vaire at uni sson.
- The pedicure I avoid it because she wets the horns. (Easy)
- Housewives of Oran have long regretted that the coal has more pm ouch k Abyla.
- sometimes seen on q UAIS of g wishest that r onflent
- The b sank off the Sultan con f luent of G Arone.
- This has c s C o SOE me t u u rl pine.
- They ha b itaient of g Istands sordid What I Branle there
- Like to get out of a c amp is the gue p appropriate in-my r ine.
- For s ites of B oland, I prefer m ines of P ompéï.
- The singer is scared of losing its molt (easy).
- The disciples of Einstein saw the wave m c onic.
- The best man to suck confit (easy).
- had been banned teenagers to play tennis board. (Easy)
- The noodles are cooked in cane juice (double, an effort is made).
- Having emptied of its ouch a c Rapaud.
- This pe ing t he falls well Nice?
- We teach our students to cal culate in one hundred lessons.
- Would you like me to track in cul ture ?
- Young sucked the goose confit (easy).
- me, Camper! the tent I do not care. (easy)
- The Vicar demand tapers. (The easy series)
- This b ond is worthy of a c ommanche
- The young Berber has a n om well k Abyla
- The nuns lè v ent c. neck ant and spend p ain until mat ines
- A member of ju ry is enough my theux?
- This cond i tion has ruined my beautiful m â che!
- Ah! Mother Abbess, I would like so they know your el f to ond.
- The schoolboy would finally know the e FFECT of trans lation.
- Hypocrites practice in the false accusation (easy)
- Should sc ell before the first hole f ond ation.
- The lux ations repeated lead to fait ure
- The wife of the station master has left me for a minute chaix on the platform (difficult without giving the solution and it is double)
- This bar is packed (easy)
- Splendid v ue and c bo age, huh!
- I saw you dive all tr ee in the D oubs.
- Finally, my old aunt is going back to France. (Easy)
- Finland, the traveler looks at the p lan of the g it.
- A long time ago that poor corna c had no r ond.
- often seen on q UAIS of g wishest that r onflent. (Note it must move three letters)
- Oh! the beautiful hilly shoreline. (Easy)
- What a sorry, Paula! (Easy).
- Theodule was in Korea (easy)
- It is painful to climb this b IGHTING full of p eter.
- Boy it is a horror: There is a ite m in b ased and c arte feels th it.
- The U.S. has offered p oule to m Ache.
- Sé c. ez to me quickly this atte!
- Oh! the water v gr have whines!
- Mrs cook your gr ace is too c. aud!
- Drink a little before I leave (easy).
- What matters to me, when I dine it's mashed potatoes (easy).
- Madelon offers a wine befitting good (easy).
- Guts to curl (easy)
- Before the girls from the nearby convent, young people like to play tennis board. (Easy)
- C ourez my b you sir!
- Mr. President of TFF, your t ennis is p ropagé
- The coach has sh ooter his little g ars (there better)
- The Sports admires tennis champion for (easy).
- champion baseball feels blank ch st b his atte.
- Oh! the central be crazy! (As in rugby)
- Ah! This beautiful N oa h, what was j!
- Nothing like a good g d ar e to feel s ur.
- At SASS, the rugby the uttent well j the anointed but alas his uttent g ment. (Double)
- On the marquee which had m ev o you read, the hunter shows off two superb Piè are under g aver s e.
- The footballers appreciate the e ite of b uthors.
- This 12 year old boy says he will play t ennis at p resent.
- The rider felt it was a sacred en ite by b oat.
- I am looking f ein for your Etr year ger.
- The woman showed her tr esses behind f actor and was pecking his p oule to co mm each.
- Let me approach the uncle of Mozambique. (We are looking for once)
- Too of herdsmen in forages. (easy)
- How can it be environmentalist Green Car Magic (easy)
- Ah! the aussies c gr ouillent lice.
- For the woman of the beekeeper, this m alus leaves me a taste of f iel.
- Too many penalties in Forbach. (Easy)
- The insurer is crazy penalty. (Easy)
it happens - r Ecep after the e ection.
- The mayor's advisers fear that his group does want to have their bedroom in his mayoralty. (Easy)
- In 1960, Ambassador to Tehran asked if M Adiran was well c. amber.
- The term standing bench seat (easy)
- The very young lawyer drank willingly Lockout e ju of management.
- The pro subscribed they have the right to con stitution?
- These ladies allow me to take my e cu s in their ba s.
- The cashier has access to the right. (Easy)
- This gift is uncountable (easy)
- Laws are useless in getting any. (Easy)
- The ente r did it function e ff ective ?
- Your little Line is undermined. (Easy)
- I feel your P aul ine starve!
- Mademoiselle, I urge you to find me. (Easy)
- Head of bacon (easy)
- His b ine, what sex was pp eal
- Honey, I'm going to bed Uncle (easy)
- See what Bob very big z'alaise (easy )
- The walker has stumbled across ost g EG lan tier
- Ah! sweet p water Jean ine - It is multiple
The naughty tried v aking the tt the res to the old one factor but it unable to Move ie r b oi you claimed he could hardly ba em ller, what cu lot! You really do little more than a tr i, v Einar!
- The mail carrier was furious because a t v in furious had torn his collar IS .
- Horror, ah! you sing when I leave you (easy)
- The worker took a good shot to the neck white (easy)
- The b it en aiseuse prefer e s g fro the room before the square o sser
- The designer does the p lan of g ros engine.
- The client requests the hardware store if they have a hinge white (easy).
- Madam baking breads have a taste of cement (easy).
- Is it sc ell the hole before the first f ond ation
- This little pallid bats made me taste his (easy)
- often seen on q UAIS of g wishest that r onflent (triple)
- But these road ss ettes are barely p Eches
- The little old man who v end of s erge wonders how he has r e st on e b or t ons (triple)
- Your small p ièces can always make some No Ippe.
- I saw the aunt of fripière (easy)
- The pawnbroker appreciates the large declines in clothes. (Easy)
- The Ch ine has always loved the P akistan
- Emile See this boot! (Easy)
- Diana exhibited a superb the oup Char es tr.
- Nobody ja but strong enough for this cal ass.
- What was the neighbor walk (easy).
- The chemist is de road enacted by his little feet pipettes.
- Ah! the sudden large mass. (Easy)
- The psychic claimed that his b oule has always been for m her and she has pre of it when it s ur.
- Irma prefers worm buckets because they could cannot.
- Ke kule (mathematician known) requires extensive in quest
- The visionary laugh to see his client has spent m its b oule.
- is far hotter than the m âchent orpions sc.
- Especially in the neck c. ant that one sees the sparrow v ist
- Do you know a half of these re inet.
- The has b ysse is full of t ueurs
- What sly and what nerve! (Easy)
- I reject the fly in this column (easy)
- I hate cranes Causses (easy)
- The c are able to Asia are renowned for the length of their pa tt es.
- The superb botanist observes a p Lant coming from the G UINEA
- But see the pe ch ers do not have to Atte.
- The gardener offers his neck rg es for small living Fig e.
- A dentist has wet rot (easy)
- Doctor, if I am pregnant, is this graph v e to ss i?
- The nursery's ready the oup for cr Eche.
- She denies that the doctor feels the r ate under the c. emitted.
- This doctor is very good at treating r ates c. Etive.
- The lux ations lead to repeated fait ure.
- The dentist did a pretty denture to pump attendants. (Easy)
- The Amazons p or ssèrent explorers near labyr in teas.
- The gardener Croatian refuses to hoe with a sickle. (Easy)
- A student in geography difficult to distinguish the D oubs of G ard.
- No! V ar the does not spill directly into the O of st word of geographer.
- The schoolgirls talk foo t ba bi llanta.
- Madam math teacher you know the e FFECT of trans lation.
- The beautiful ( Z) arts are a pleasure for of of the games.
- These are all singers, two p areas the uths.
- The singer gave willingly tone (easy).
- In a mixed choir in which I sang, I've known ladies who prefer c. the ants the fuse.
- Tenor, fire! (Easy)
- When I admire these beautiful tee NORS, I lost the tone .
- The young soprano v antait often s i tenor.
- This Carmen is fed up of o Bi and
z - Dear tenor, I'm frightened by the ar cannot your D O
- The Callas did not arrive at B i zet without p ei do.
- Ah! Madam soprano if your is hole
bling - it is a lim e this big ass b e.
- Ah! bass elite (easy).
- This Bossuet was well calibrated (easy)
- Fanny embraced e n effect that fat has P nisse
- The poet is allowed to take the weapons bran ch age.
- required Juno Jupiter Saturn bat. (Easy)
- The ancient builders prefer to sand the brass (easy)
- we see these days of e z stuff them u s
- The mayor took his B yrrh and that itta waitress
- Perseus let go P Egas when of înait
- Guest bedroom (easy)
- D'Artagnan left his often flamed v erge hearing all
- Cavour said: I refuse to be matra that the e P
ouch - Private har k i emptied his of ouch yielding to ten tion of "Fell ouzes.
- Miss, do you like this wall of amber? (Easy)
- Before building the new house, the bride looks at the p lan of the e g
ost - I do not like fake grids (easy)
- Everyone likes not your motiv ations, Ei FFEL and must be m Ordu to thereby T o.
- Ah! these moviegoers and Gabin myth. (Easy)
- Abel Gance With this kit dry (easy)
- The TV journalist exposes a fact gro ssier.
- Pull uch b and v
ite in the air - The Warrant Officer has p well as tran c. e
- Madam Minister of Defence, I do not want to kill (easy)
- Beware of these large sockets cadets! (Easy)
follow with a release day on average it will last more than 3 years. You can participate
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