Friday, March 4, 2011

Is Their A Treatment For Extra Vertebrae?

The many faces of the same big deal

By Marc-André Cyr *

Without the outlines of which rational attempt to dress her courageous spokespersons, capitalism would have very little legitimacy. This mode of production does not meet the needs of people, it has nothing to do with the creation of real wealth: its purpose is the creation of abstract value, money. Our company produces more and more unnecessary goods while running straight to the ecological crisis, it produces both workers to activate sometimes seven days a week, millions of unemployed, hundreds of millions of hungry and a waste amazing - according to the University of Texas, United States, one quarter of the food produced each year is wasted or 2,150,000 billion kilojoules per year.

To accept living in such a society, we must believe that life is suffering, sacrifice, obedience, working and punishment, as we must believe that the current forms of living together ˗ Goods, Value, Pay, Money ... ˗ are rational and eternal. These beliefs form the foundation on which rests the legitimacy of the system. Nobody can question them without going to extreme or crazy. From
some of these beliefs, the dominant ideology in Quebec is divided into three broad and wise families: family social-liberal (similar to Blair third way), the neo-liberal and conservative. The extreme right, through the Freedom Network Quebec, some intellectuals and a few radio hosts consanguineous Quebec, also lead with respect as a critic of these three main trends.

No spectrum for

And the left? The Parti Quebecois is not he a leftist? Seriously, the left has only one member, a Social Democrat which is not a radical who wants to take power (before the end of the world, if possible) to redistribute the wealth produced in society. Its program is similar to that of the Parti Quebecois in the 1970s, but despite his great moderation, QS is the boundary of acceptability and it is only lip service that recognizes its legitimacy in the public space. Epithets against him are more coarse, "extremist," "Islamist," "ultra-left" ... The classical social democracy, which lay heavily upon the West to leave the War II before it takes the neoliberal turn of the 1980s, is now regarded, at least in Quebec, as the fringe "extreme" of the parliamentary left.

If there is some progressive public figures in academia and media, they, unlike their counterparts ˗ right ˗ are highly nuanced and moderate. They are the cream of day, the mascara from the face of big capital. The humor usually helps to get their message across, and it is precisely because they do not criticize the law merchant, but its effects " excessive, "we tolerate their presence.
Power has not many faces, but only one, single and plural reality in appearance. He winks, snot and drool a bit, but its contours remain ultimately the same. He constantly repeats the same nonsense and vocabulary does that in a few keywords. These few advertising concepts act like pistons punctuating his speech annoying: Democracy, Markets, Growth, Nation, Civilization ... cons Totalitarianism, Unemployment, Communism, Islamism ...

Said big deal

blue, red or brown, the differences are negligible, to the point that public figures are becoming interchangeable. Take ... Jean Charest, push it a little social liberalism in the cerebellum, it will become Pauline Marois, Minister of Education and Health during the best years of deficit. The latter, if he withdraws his leg (in a hospital that has not closed) and some hopes for the sovereignty of Quebec, Lucien Bouchard will become, a former Conservative who said the Social Democrats while cutting services social. Make revive it in Duplessis County, then he will transfigure, smell and campaign new leg in premium, Mario Dumont. This regionalist demagogue, once his tour ended in 4X4, will complete his doctorate in sociology (it is rather easy, even if it cost more and more expensive) and become, you guessed it, Canon Bock-Côté this elegant defender of the National Front and subtle destroyer of immigrants.

And if you do not already have enough ... then repeat the kind of turkey nervous UQAM, remove it the flag of Quebec that has stuck somewhere (proceed carefully, though, it could Facal out some) and have it work a few years for the CIA, he became the spokesman for the radical market a tad cracked ... Eric Duhaime. In a delicate finger snapping, he turns sensitive hearts ˗ ˗ attention in Richard Martineau, the thief job stupid, reactionary and pretentious. Put the flag in its place (gently or not, it depends), and in turn become Martineau Jacques Brassard, this neoconservative homegrown radical who believes that global warming is an invention of leftists. Have him win the federal election (sorry, but it will again remove the flag ... and insert a other), and he becomes, in a wrist ... Stephen Harper, our beloved Prime Minister.

In many ways, capitalism is an absurd system. Stripped of his fables and exposed by critics, the contours of plastic ooze blood, sweat and mediocrity. As it is less easy to transform this blood into wine, into a commodity that sweat and that mediocrity in lifestyle, his spokespeople are becoming more intolerant of criticism and grow on the street. Hopefully it will leave one day to conquer the sky to debunk the myths.

* text published in the journal The Quack March


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